Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tutorial 4: What is RAID?? Seriously...

That's how I felt when I first started learning about them. Turns out, they're not as bad as they seem at first. RAID stands for "Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives". This is basically a way of  combining the storage across multiple drives to offer a single virtual device. RAID can provide the following benefits: Data redundancy (protects important data from failures), Fault Tolerance (provides a more reliable system), Increased Capacity (combines several disks together into one), Increased Performance (subjective to the type of RAID is used, overall the technology is the better option). These are the main types of RAID...

RAID 0: Also known as "Striping", the read/write operations are executed from the various drives simultaneously. Meaning, your data is split among different disks for storage. The total amount of storage available for use is the sum of all disk's memory. This translates into faster writing/reading times because of the simple fact that it can execute from several disks at once, as supposed to one for a big file. RAID 0, is the fastest and most efficient type of RAID. However, it does not offer any fault tolerance, simply because there is no extra disk where you may backup your data. This is a great choice for someone that backs up their data on an external hard drive often. Below we have RAID 0, striping.

Credit to: tutorial team.

RAID 1: Also called, Mirroring, is a two disk system that allows redundancy. The structure offers redundancy (as supposed to RAID 0) because, the data is written fully on BOTH disks. This is great for environments where, cost is not an issue but data loss is a big concern. Although, cost is 50% higher than Striping (you need double GB to store your data, twice), it's great when handling critical data. You may also add what is called a "Hot Spare" disk which, is an extra disk that is only used when one of the others (with data) fails. In the case of said disk failure, "Hot Spare" disk copies all the data from the "good" disk to create a second copy. When the failed disk is exchanged, it becomes the new "Hot Spare". Here is what RAID 1 looks like...
Credit to: tutorial team.
RAID 5: Is a redundant system, which is similar to striping but distributes parity among the drives. RAID 5 requires three or more drives as it spreads data blocks across all disks except for one, "Hot Spare". This system has relatively fast reads similar to striping. however, due to having to compute parity, writing times are a bit slower than previous RAID. In addition to fast read times, this provides data redundancy. If a single disk fails, due to parity, "how spare" can easily reconstruct the data lost. Here is what it may look like..
Credit to: www.Iomega.Com Tutorial Team
So now you have the main idea of what RAID is what their advantages are. If you're in the market for a RAID system, I would advice you to do extensive research on which is more appropriate to your environment. Here are some websites I find useful: Addonics RAID quick tutorial & Publib Boulder's RAID Journal.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Project: Secure Email

The article "Tampa Company Using Biometrics to Secure Computer Systems" explains a new technology that uses biometrics to secure "personal and corporate data". It is very simple, the user swipes his finger at a any computer (that has the technology installed) and he/she is given the access that they are allowed. This new security technology, called "bioLock", is going to help companies keep their data secure as it records and logs who accessed what, where and when. The article also explains how this new system could have prevented three famous corporate fraud cases, one being: NASA's 2008 identity theft which questioned the government's computer security. The article can be found at:

Below is the screen capture of my inbox. Highlighted in red are the two replies from
Screen Capture by: Cesar Tobar

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Extra Credit Assignment: VOIP and Video Capture

I have been using Skype for quite sometime now, not knowingly that this is the Voice Over IP technology. As I just learned that Voice Over IP may come in many forms. The most popular is Skype, which allows you to make free phone calls and video conference (2 or more users) with just an internet connection. Like I mentioned before, I've used it since it was first released. I am now able to keep in touch with family and friends that I can't see very often. Attached is a video call with a friend of mine...
Screen Cast Skype_Call

Extra Credit: Creating an Avatar

To start off, I want to show you my avatar. I created it using the "Create Avatar-South Park Studios". I chose this website because it allows you to download the avatar in form of a background. As supposed to other choices, they email it to you which can take up to 30 minutes. I tried "Face Your Manga" twice and the avatar never came in my inbox. I also just enjoy South Park to begin with. So, here it is..
Created by: Cesar Tobar; Used "Create Avatar-South Park Studios.

I started off by using Google, the link to the website is: The first step is, choose whether you want to; Create new avatar, Randomize a character, or view gallery. I chose create new avatar. The menu looks like this...
Created by: Cesar Tobar; Used "Create Avatar-South Park Studios.

As you can see in the picture, this is the navigation menu. The blue circle, represents the navigation menu (to jump sections) as well as an undo button. The red circles, are used to go to the next section once you have decided on a particular item on the present section. Yellow circles are also navigation arrows that allow you to scroll from one item to the next (skin colors).  Finally, the green circle, has a save button, share button (allows to share on Facebook and other media) as well as a random button if you are indecisive.

That does it for my avatar post. I had fun creating my avatar, it was quick and easy. I advice you, when you're bored, to get on a search engine and look for some web-flash based avatar creators and have some fun!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tutorial 3: Microsoft Access queries and a look at their criteria!

So, I was working on an Access project for my class and I realized how much you can utilize a well developed database. As part of my assignment I had to create a query that required a special "criteria" equation that returns records less than 180 days (6 months) old. I got to thinking, what are the other criteria equations that I could use to enhance my database. My project setting was that of a gym, and I was manipulating raw data of current and former members. Whatever the situation that you're utilizing Access for, the criteria needed for the desired return might be similar. Here is a quick look at one criteria equation that I would like to use to enhance my database.

The first Query I wish to create would be: A list of current members that includes basic info (ID, name, address, birth date, type of membership).  This list could be used as a marketing tool. We can use this list to send promotions to current members on their birthdays and/or promotions based on their type of membership (Individual or family membership). My only issue is that the "Leftdate" field ( If left "blank", member is a current patron). What criteria could I use have my query return all records with blank "Leftdate" fields. Here is a closer look.

Screen Cap Taken By: Cesar Tobar 

First we'll start with our query in "Design View". As you can tell I already added all the fields I want it to return. The red circle indicates the field that I want to return with only "blank" records.

Screen Cap Taken By: Cesar Tobar
As you can see the required criteria "equation" for the desired return is simple. "Is Null" does the job for this desired return. As you can see I also sorted our query by Last Name. You might want to sort it by ascending "Birth Date" so it's easier for the marketing department to send promotions as the time passes. You can also see that unchecked the "show" box for "Left Date" field, so  your return does not show a black column.

Screen Cap Taken By: Cesar Tobar
The finished product looks like this. As you can see a simple query could be turn into a report, which could be used as a great tool to generate more business. There is a TON on criteria equations that may be used to return a desired information. This page gives you a very extensive list of criteria and sort equations that may be used along with a simple explanation. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next post!

Database Project

I had attempted to use Microsoft Access last year for a project, it was difficult. I could not understand all the different views, structures of queries, forms and reports. Learning about Microsoft Access in this class is definitely something I was looking forward to because this is the one program that I could not figure out on my own. After finishing this project I learned many things: How the program is structured (different views & how to import data), how to create queries, forms reports and how to create reports from a certain source.

One way to improve this database could be: Create a table called "Current Members". We would know who our current clients are so we can send gifts and promotions on special dates (i.e. birthdays). We could have the same table as "6mo" except to change "Left Date" criteria and have the table return members with no "left date". Another way would be,  create a table of all current, individual memberships so the gym can send "family deals" so the whole family can sign up.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Presentation and Web 2.0 Project

For the Presentation and Web 2.0 Project, I decided to present about The Delta Chi Philanthropy (Earthball) and how we support the Jimmy V. Foundation and it's cause. My presentation can be found on you tube here. Overall, I believe my presentation followed all the instructions very well. I made a very conscious effort to meet all the requirements that the evaluation rubric set.

I started off with a very emotional excerpt from Jimmy V's famous ESPY speech in 1993. I believe I grabbed the audience's attention right away. The presentation was given in logical flow. I introduced four main points: Who is Jimmy Valvano?, What is the Jimmy V. Foundation?, What is Earthball and how it's played? and lastly, How you can get involved. My slides were tastefully done, I had big enough text with enough information, large pictures and plenty of white space as to not have too much noise.

I do believe I missed one part of the requirements. I did not add a SLIDE with cited works on my Powerpoint slide. However, I did cite ALL of my media in the "details" section of my presentation's page on YouTube. I also resubmitted my source file to reflect written consent to use Jimmy V. Foundation's logo and Jimmy V's picture. I strongly believe NO copyright laws were infringed upon.

Critiquing a peer's presentation gave me great insight as to what I had to do to make my presentation perfect. It is a combination of: Natural and error free speech, a slideshow with the right layout and notice-to-signal ratio along with the right media to grab your audience's attention.

Overall, I not only learned a lot more about my topic which I presented on but I learned the effort it takes to put technology together for a presentation. It is truly getting to work anywhere from 3-10 programs in harmony to have ONE final file to upload to the internet. I, of course, made things very complicated and tried around 6 programs until I found the ones that were useful to me the most. My final programs were: Powerpoint, YouTube Dowloader, Boilsoft Video Splitter, Easy Video Splitter (to switch to WMV format), snagit and of course Once again, I learned a lot more than I expected for this project and I am glad I put as much effort as I did. I will absolutely be using all this new found knowledge on web 2.0 technology in the future, as I join the workforce.

Note: Instructions said this project was easy, I do not agree. Researching programs to fit your needs can become a hassle and I have a new found respect for amateur video and audio editors that work with little resources.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tutorial 2: How to swap First & Last names in excel

So, I work on campus in a very important office and I see a TON on important names, dollar amounts, ranges of dollar amounts, etc. Me, the "student assistant", sometimes have to format excel sheets with a hundreds of raw data entries into easier to read sheets. In my office, people swap files like kids swap germs in 1st grade. Therefore, there are plenty of versions of each file with different formats and inconsistencies. Some of the problems I run through often (in sheets with enough entries to NOT do it by hand)and taught myself how to fix are the following: Swap "First, Last" to "Last, First" and Switch caps "Last, First" to "LAST, FIRST". Since the quick functions on "excel help" are known to cause problems for these issues. Here is a short tutorial on how to switch "Last name, First name" into "First name, Last name".

You will be using this function "=Mid(A2&" "&A2,Find(" ",A2)+1,Len(A2)-1)". Basically, what it does is find the " " (space) in the selected cell and switch the text of before and after the " " (space) in the cells selected. Let's say you start of like this...

Photo taken by: Tobar, Cesar.

You want to make space by adding two columns between "A" & "B". Such as...
Photo taken by: Tobar, Cesar.

Paste this formula in B1 "=Mid(A2&" "&A2,Find(" ",A2)+1,Len(A2)-1)". Then drag all the way to the bottom using the "+" symbol at the bottom of "B1". Note, if you DO NOT have headings as I do, you will be switching the "A2" into "A1".
Picture Taken by: Tobar, Cesar.

Next, You may think that you're done and you can use (copy/paste) our new column for new sheets. Column "B" is currently just formulas that output the text displayed. You must selected the "output" in column "B", copy and "paste special" "values only" in column "C" like this...
Photo Taken By: Tobar, Cesar.

Now you just delete column "B" and you may use the text for your editing pleasure. Then, you're done! Feel free to blog about your own quick solutions to everyday excel struggles to help others. If you get stuck, be sure to use the "Excel help" for a quick and painless fix. Have a great day, see you next blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Excel Project

This Excel Project was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I use Excel at work often and handle spreadsheets with thousands of entries and a tons of data. This project was very realistic and could very well be a report that I would have someone make if I owned/managed a gym. The breakdown of all the data was very specific, precise and easy to work with. It was very useful to learn all the new functions that I've needed in the past but was too pressed for time to look up. Now, my excel skills are that much proficient.

Taken by: Tobar, Cesar. "AvgIncrease."
Regarding pivot tables: The first one was very easy to comprehend what the results should be. However, the second, gave me quite the problem. I had to sit back and analyze what it was that the "manager" wanted so I could display the right percentage. At one point, I was displaying 8000%? which, after doing a little digging in the discussion board come to find out that it's "insane". Once I figured out that the percentage is a "sum" for the age groups broken down in was all smooth sailing. I enjoyed this excel project very much and hope the coming ones will be as useful.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tutorial 1: Short guide to understanding spec sheet before purchasing a laptop.

OK, so most college students aren't "techys" and know what the specification sheets mean when purchasing your laptop for college. This is a quick blog on how not to spend $1,400.00 (half of a semester tuition at Univ. of Florida) dollars on a laptop, like I did. That's right, I paid that much for this beautiful machine (kudos to for writing such a good review, I wish I would of read it before purchasing). During this post I'll give a small review over the important specifications that we must look at before over paying for the aesthetics of a machine.

Processors (speed of): This is often hinted as the "brains" of the computer, and is measured in Gigahertz (2-3 GHz). A processor basically dictates a few things like: price (faster, more expensive), how fast it will execute commands, how many processors the device will run at the same time (nowadays we have from Dual-Core to Quad-Core) and last but not least, how hot your laptop will get on your lap/hands (this is pretty important for us students). Terminology you might want to know when shopping for your machine:
  1. Gigahertz (GHz): The speed of the processor. Mine is a 2 GHz, it can run multiple programs easily and after 3 years of heavy usage is still as fast as ever.
  2. Dual-Core: Two processors running at once on in your machine, which ultimately makes it faster, noisier and hot.
  3. Quad-Core: Same as the definition above except that, it will run 4 processors in your machine.
  4. 32/64-Bit: This means the obvious, 32 bit will be able to process a smaller amount of numbers (slower). If you're not planning on running more than a few programs at a time you may not need a 64 bit. 32 or 64-Bit versions of software are not compatible, which means that if you have a 32-bit program you CAN NOT  run a 64-Bit software version on your machine. Make sure you know what you want/need to run and plan accordingly...

Memory: There is basically two types of ways that a machine can store data: Hard Drive and RAM.
  1. Hard-Drives: "Permanent" Memory, of any machine, which is measured in Gigabytes (GB). Most common amounts of GBs are: 40/80/160/320 GBs. There are many types of Hard-Drives for Laptops IDE and SATA being the most popular. This WILL, I repeat WILL, run up the price on what you're shopping for. My machine is a 160GB SATA HDD and has been in used for over 3 years and still has plenty of memory to spare.
  2. RAM (Random Access Memory): This is your temporary memory which takes permanent memory from your Hard-Drive as you work on it. RAM does not hold any data overtime, when the computer is shut off it will loose all the data. It is measured in Gigabytes (GB), it can range from 2-4GBs (this also may run up the price tag of a machine). I did not need a 4 GB laptop because my usage would ultimately be web-browsing, Microsoft-word, e-mail, watching lectures but, once again...know what you need to do and shop accordingly.
Weight & Size:  If money isn't an issue when purchasing your personal computer than you might want to buy a performance laptop that will last you years without trouble (my situation except I overpaid). HOWEVER, everyone's concern is the weight and size of the product, you do not want a big/bulky laptop to carry around campus.
  1. Weight: Mine weighs a little over 4lbs, and I still think twice before bringing it with me to go to class/study. This, weight and size guide classifies my laptop in the "ultra-portable" section which ranges from 2-5lbs. However, if you can help finding a machine lighter than 4lbs and it meets all your needs, buy it, you won't regret it.
  2. Size: While the thought process behind a purchase of a 17" laptop is: "I want a big screen so I can watch movies" is not necessarily wrong, but, it's not right. That was exactly what I said, with my previous computer and I could not take it anywhere I needed to. This current  DELL XPS is a 13.3" screen and is more than perfect, so I advice you that you go with something around that range.

That, concludes my short guide on how to better understand the MOST important sections of a spec sheet. Remember, know the needs that the product should meet, do your research and compare products/brands, don't buy simply for aesthetics and DON'T over pay. Hope I helped!